XR MeetUp in Taipei - A Tilt Five Adventure

XR MeetUp in Taipei - A Tilt Five Adventure

February 13, 2023

 Min Read

This past week Jeri took to the skies and visited Taiwan. While in Taipei she had the opportunity to attend an XR MeetUp hosted by Taipei Virtual Reality. These events usually draw in developers and enthusiasts from around Taiwan to network and talk about ongoing projects and to hear what's new in the XR space.

The venue was perfect for showcasing Tilt Five's multi-glasses update and the newest features that accompanied our 1.3.0 SDK release.

While attending the event we even ran into Sebastian Ang from Mixed Reality TV who happened to be visiting Taipei this week. Last June, Sebastian and MRTV covered Tilt Five during AWE, which you can check out here:

We were super grateful to everyone who attended the Taipei Meetup for letting us join in on their fun.

Where will Tilt Five be next? Do you know of an event that we should attend? Reach out to us at press@tiltfive.com

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